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Mandatory seizures

Tonic and/or myoclonic seizures are mandatory for this syndrome. These often occur with high daily frequency. Tonic seizures are frequent and may be singular or occur in a series, they may be symmetric or asymmetric. Myoclonus may be focal or multifocal and can be occasional to almost continuous. It can be erratic (asynchronous, asymmetric and random) or massive and bilateral. Erratic myoclonus is more commonly associated with a metabolic aetiology.

May have

  • Epileptic spasms
  • Sequential seizures - these are seizures where there is a series of different seizure features occurring in sequence in the one seizure, without any one predominant feature e.g. initially a focal tonic seizure, followed by focal clonic features, and then followed by autonomic features
  • Focal clonic seizures, including hemiclonic seizures
  • Focal to bilateral tonic-clonic seizures

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