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Mandatory seizures
  • Tonic seizures from sleep (in slow wave sleep or on wakening) are mandatory. These can be subtle (e.g. eye widening/rolling only) or there may be truncal (causing vocalization) and/or limb muscle contraction (e.g. arms elevating and flexing and legs either flexing or extending). The tonic contraction can be with a vibratory component. If the patient is standing, there may be a fall with risk of injury. Tonic status epilepticus can occur.
  • The patient must have one other seizure type, from the list below.
May have

CAUTION If recurrent, prolonged, hemiclonic seizures are seen before 1 year of age right arrow consider Dravet syndrome.

CAUTION If myoclonic-atonic seizures predominate right arrow consider epilepsy with myoclonic atonic seizures.

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