The background EEG is normal.
CAUTION Generalized slowing is not seen.
Generalized spike-wave discharges and polyspike-wave discharges may occur.
CAUTION Focal discharges
consistently over one region
consider structural brain abnormality.
EEG abnormality (and myoclonic absence seizures) may be provoked by hyperventilation. Intermittent photic stimulation triggers generalized spike-wave in a minority of patients.
EEG abnormality is enhanced by sleep deprivation, in drowsiness and in sleep. Generalized spike-wave often becomes fragmented with sleep deprivation or in sleep. Fragmented generalized spike-wave can appear focal or multi-focal but usually is not consistently seen in one area. The morphology of the focal spike-wave typically appears similar to the generalized spike-wave.
Regular 3Hz generalized spike-wave. EMG recordings from the upper arm show a constant relationship between the bilateral myoclonic jerks and spike-waves.