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Mandatory seizures

Photic (light) triggered focal sensory visual seizures - visual phenomena include lights, colored spots, formed visual hallucinations, or visual blurring/loss that moves across the visual field while the patient is aware. There may be head/eye version (as the patient tracks the visual phenomena).

Seizures are typically brief (<3 minutes), although prolonged seizures can occur. The frequency of seizures varies from individual to individual, relating to variations in an individuals threshold for light induction.

May have

  • Focal aware sensory visual seizures may evolve to have autonomic features (e.g. vomiting), impaired awareness or to a focal to bilateral tonic-clonic seizure
  • Focal sensory visual seizures may occur spontaneously (without light-induction)
  • Due to overlap with the idiopathic generalized epilepsies, generalized tonic-clonic, myoclonic or absence seizures may occur
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