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Mandatory seizures

Brief, sleep-related focal motor seizures occur, with vigorous hyperkinetic or asymmetric tonic/dystonic features. These may be accompanied by autonomic features (tachycardia, tachypnea, irregular respiration), vocalization, and negative emotional expression such as fear. Hyperkinetic features involve proximal limb or axial muscles, producing irregular large amplitude movements, such as pedaling, pelvic thrusting, jumping, thrashing, or rocking movements. Seizures may be subtle clinically (previously termed "paroxysmal arousals") or may have longer duration and greater complexity (termed "epileptic wandering"). Patients may describe a focal aware sensory or cognitive seizure before the motor features occur.

May have

  • Seizures from the awake state
  • Focal to bilateral tonic-clonic seizures

    CAUTION Seizures predominantly from the awake state right arrow consider other epilepsy syndromes.

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